Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Workout Hurdles

The rain quit by 5:00 today so I went for a walk around Lake Como again tonight as part of my Meetup group. There was only one other person there, butwe both seemed to walk at about the same pace and I think I went a bit faster than normal.

Afterwards, I went to my health club to do some weight lifting. I got to the lockerroom and realized that I wasn't sure what the combination to my lock was. It was very frustrating because I wasn't going to leave anything in an unlocked locker and I didn't want to bring my backpack up to the workout area with me.

A new spins with a couple number combos and I got it right. Did it a second time, just to be sure.

Did my weight lfiting and headed home to watch Glee.

Now, can someone tell me why MEN think that they should sit at the weight machines between sets so no one else can use the machine? There was a guy who sat at the pectoral fly machine while I finished sets on at least 8 different machines.

Tomorrow -- my first brick workout.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Exercise Weather

Well, I'm sad to report that I haven't done as well as I should with the exercising -- but I've done very well the past two days.

On Sunday, I biked to meet up for a walk along the Mississippi with someone. The plan was to meet at the parking lot on Warner Rd near downtown St Paul. For some reason, she no-showed on me, but I decided to take advantage of the gorgeous day and biked along the river.

My initial plan was to head over to Mississippi River Blvd and then head back home. Part way there, I decided, to head back towards home. Not an easy thing since the left turns are few and far between along Sheperd Road. At one point, I thought I was heading west, but I realized I was actually riding south -- definitingly not the direction I wanted to go. Shortly thereafter, I found a street I recognized and got my bearings righted and head home.

I ended up biking for about 2 hours and despite my attempts to put on my sunscreen, I still got a little sunburned -- on my back where it's hard to reach and apply the sunscreen.

Today, I biked up to Lake Como to for a Meetup group walk around the lake that I'd scheduled. I was happy because I scheduled this walk and had four people RSVP almost right away. I wasn't sure how long it would take me to bike to the lake -- I've done it before but didn't pay much attention to how long it took. I got to the lake around 5:30 and I didn't need to be at the pavillion until 5:50, so I decided to make a loop around the lake on my bike.

We ended up in two groups -- two people walked faster and two people walked slower (I was one of the slow ones.) I just went around the lake once -- about 1.6 miles and it took about 30 minutes. Then I pedaled on back home.

There's another walk scheduled for tomorrow (Tuesday) night and I just scheduled walks for next Monday and Tuesday.

I was so motivated, that I did a Bing search and found a training schedule for the duathlon I'm planning to complete in September.

I hope the weather holds out tomorrow so we can do our walk -- I kind of want to bike to work, but I have a feelng that won't happen.